Program List

The number of (the)data : 2

Ichikei’s Crow – The Criminal Court Judges


The protagonist of this story is Michio Iruma, an unorthodox criminal court judge who takes it upon himself to verify crime scenes, to uncover the truth of incidences, in order to ensure that there are absolutely no false accusations. With a beard and casual clothes, there’s this sense of a laid back atmosphere about him, often speaking out in a slow manner. He is far from the image of an uptight judge, but a unique one feared by both lawyers and prosecutors for his free observation and an inquisitive mind, that is free from any ties, prejudices, or preconceptions. On the other hand, for criminal court judges usually in charge of around 250 cases at any given time, one of their major missions is to handle cases quickly and efficiently. So, the members around him are always puzzled by Michio, who digs deeper into cases at his own pace, almost as if none of this affects him. In fact, Michio has a unique background as a former lawyer.

  • Human
  • Detective
  • Human
  • Detective

Absolute Zero 4


This is the story of a special mission squad that obstructs crime before it happens.

The squad infiltrates, pursues, and investigates “future criminals”, who were deduced by analyzing all kinds of big data?security camera videos, emails, phone calls, text messages on social media, and more.
In this title, the story begins several months from now, right at the moment when a large-scale terrorist attack is about to occur. Odagiri, in the midst of her search for the explosives, enters a room to find a man armed with a handgun and standing as still as a statue. In front of him is a woman on the ground, shot to death. The man, who is standing rigidly with tears in his eyes, was no other than Izawa. Shocked, Odagiri is unable to say a word. Izawa, a detective who usually resents criminals, has crossed the line and killed a woman?! Who exactly is the female victim?! And, what’s the meaning behind Izawa’s tears?!